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Wedding Challenge by Candace Camp

The Wedding Challenge - Candace Camp


This is the third book in Candace Camp's delicious series, The Matchmaker. The beautiful Callie, siter of the Duke of Rochford, fall for mysterious Earl of Bromwell. Unfortunaely her brother and her Earl apparently despise each other. And ehat exactly Bromwell's intention to Callie? Did he only want for revange or did he actually care for her?

While I already the last book The Courtship Dance (The Matchmakers #4) (another delighful book!), thus I knew the reason why Bromwell hated Rochford, but this book still grab my attention. I really enjoy the slow burn between Callie and Brom, and like all books in this series, Lady Francesca and Rochford almost steal the show, almost. 
This is very enjoyable read, however I think this series would best to read in order.